FOCUS 是一個以香港為基地的非𠫚利組織,旨在提高公眾對學習障礙和專注力失調 / 過度活躍症的認識,並改善受這兩種障礙困擾的兒童的教育。
我們的宗旨是透過提供有關經過科學研究及實證的信息和建議,講座及教育,來支援老師、家長和孩子,並提昇對有學習障礙和專注力失調 / 過度活躍症的孩子在學習和社交上的需要和了解,為家長提供合適的協助和支援,令孩子可發揮所長,激發全部潛能。
Resources for Chinese Speaking Families 中文資源
Department of Health: Child assessment Service [衞生署兒童體能智力測驗服務]
Offers diagnostic evaluations in English or Chinese at subsided costs. A referral letter from a registered doctor or psychologist is needed for registration and waitlists are typically very long.
Hong Kong Association for Specific Learning Difficulties (HKASLD) [香港特殊學習障礙協會]
Hong Kong Association for Specific Learning Difficulties was established in 1998, by a group with special learning difficulties ﹝ referred to "SpLD"﹞ self-help groups consisting of parents of children, and in 1999 became a charity
Hong Kong Specific Learning Difficulties Research Team [香港特殊學習困難研究小組]
Site established to inform educators and the public about SpLD. The research focus is on developing tools to screen for dyslexia among Chinese-speaking students.
Pathways Foundation [博思會]
Provides intensive professional interventions to help strengthen literacy, numeracy and organizational abilities as well as social skills specifically to children with SpLD. Offers afterschool programs and in-school support primary for native Chinese speaking children.
Manulife Centre for Children with Specific Learning Difficulties [宏利兒童學習潛能發展中心]
Dr. Thomas E. Brown [托馬斯、布朗博士]
Leading researcher in the field of AD/HD. Site offers good overview of AD/HD with some key pages available in Chinese.
托馬斯·布朗博士是在研究專注力失調 / 過度活躍症的權威,可從此網站取得有關的資訊和概述。
Offers scientifically reliable information about AD/HD in children, adolescents, and adults with some key pages available in Chinese.
CHADD 是美國專門研究兒童,青少年及成人多動症的非𠫚利組織。其發放的信息以科研證據為基礎,相當可靠